A Birds Eye View on Mining Sequential Patterns from Traditional Databases  
  Authors : Gurram Sunitha; Dr. A. Rama Mohan Reddy


Sequential pattern mining is the process of mining relationships amid elements. The relationships like causal, blocking etc leads to analogue of various kinds of sequential patterns. Association rule mining allows to abundance associations between elements without the concrete notion of time. Sequential pattern mining incorporates temporal ordering into the mining process. This allows accretion of knowledge of associations among elements in the course of time. This paper is intended to give a brief insight into the landmark research that has brought the area of sequential pattern mining into limelight.


Published In : IJCAT Journal Volume 1, Issue 10

Date of Publication : 30 November 2014

Pages : 512 - 518

Figures :02

Tables : --

Publication Link : A Birds Eye View on Mining Sequential Patterns from Traditional Databases




Gurram Sunitha : has completed B.E. in Electronics & Communications Engineering from Gulbarga University in 1999 and M.Tech in Computer Sciences from JNT University, Anantapur in 2005. Currently she is pursuing Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering at S.V.University, Tirupati. Her research interests include Data Mining, Automata Theory and Database Systems.

Dr. A. Rama Mohan Reddy : received his B.Tech. degree from JNT University, Anantapur in 1986, M. Tech degree in Computer Science from NIT, Warangal in 2000 and Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering in 2008 from S. V. University, Tirupathi. He is presently working as Professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering, S. V. University College of Engineering, Tirupathi, A.P. India. His research interests include Software Architecture, Software Engineering and Data Mining. He is life member of ISTE and IE.








Data Mining

Frequent Patterns

Sequential Patterns

Transactional Databases

Sequence Databases

In this paper, the problem of sequential pattern mining is underlined. Algorithms and techniques for the purpose of extracting knowledge in the form of sequential patterns have been discussed. An effort is made to debrief the process of focused mining and incremental mining.










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