E-Skincare Advisor  
  Authors : Ashwini Birse M. ; Ashwita Perdoor ; Heenanaj Sanadi ; Vaishnavi Bagodi


E-Health is an application of information and communication technologies across the whole range of functions that affect health. E-SkinCare Advisor is a mediator in bringing various health services to your door step. Skin advisor will help you in e-treatment of illnesses in time so that you are saved from distress. The currently available health care systems contain the information in the scattered form which makes it difficult for the user to acquire the accurate and relevant information about healthcare for a particular disease. It also creates a state of confusion for the users about the kind of treatment he should undergo. The proposed system of ESkincare advisor provides an easy diagnosis of the disease by asking certain questions to the user. It also provides the initial care and treatment in three different fields of medicine, case studies and expert advices at fingertips like a smart system.


Published In : IJCAT Journal Volume 1, Issue 4

Date of Publication : 31 May 2014

Pages : 53 - 55

Figures : 01

Tables : --

Publication Link : E-Skincare Advisor




Mr.Kishor Shivathaya : Is a Is an M. Tech Student of Computer Science & Engineering Department of SDIT, Mangalore. He graduated with BE (Honours’) in Computer Science and Engineering from VTU University, Belgaum. He is currently pursuing his Masters.

Ashwini Birse M. : Student,Computer Science Department, Gogte Institute Of Technology, Belgaum, India

Ashwita Perdoor : Student,Computer Science Department, Gogte Institute Of Technology, Belgaum, India

Heenanaj Sanadi : Student,Computer Science Department, Gogte Institute Of Technology, Belgaum, India

Vaishnavi Bagodi : Student,Computer Science Department, Gogte Institute Of Technology, Belgaum, India











smart system

E-SkinCare Advisor provides a user-friendly interface to detect a disease based on a set of symptoms selected as input by the end-user. It provides the investigations in order to have a confirmation about the disease detected, and provides the home remedies which provides the initial care to be taken about the disease detected and also the treatment in three different systems of medicine for a particular disease detected. It also allows the user to give the feedback about the information he found. Further the use of the application can be widened for different domains of diseases. The future scope for this project is that it can be extended to increase the number of diseases considered. It can further be used to detect diseases in various domains other than skin diseases. It can be enhanced by adding features such as expert advice which can help the user in getting a detailed explanation about the disease online. Various other health records related to the patient can be maintained in the database.










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