A Privacy Preservation and Application-Level Performance for Profile Matching in Mobile Social Networks  
  Authors : B. Tejaswini; A. Srinivasan


Social network makes digital communication technologies sharpening tools for extending the social circle connected with people. Privacy preservation is usually a significant research issue in social networking. Here user account matching with privacy-preservation in mobile social networks (MSNs) is studied as well as a category of profile matching protocols is introduced. An explicit Comparison-based Profile matching protocol (eCPM) which runs between two parties, an initiator along with a responder is proposed which enables the initiator to search for the comparison-based matching result with regards to a specified attribute within their profiles, while preventing their attribute values from disclosure. An implicit Comparison-based Profile matching protocol (iCPM) will be proposed that permits the initiator to directly obtain some messages rather than the comparison result from the responder. The messages unrelated to user account might be separated into multiple categories through the responder. The initiator implicitly chooses the interested category which can be unknown for the responder. Two messages in each category are prepared through the responder, in support of one message can be acquired through the initiator based on the comparison result about the same attribute. iCPM is further generalized into an implicit Predicate-based Profile matching protocol (iPPM) that allows complex comparison criteria spanning multiple attributes. We analyze the communication overhead as well as the anonymity strength from the protocols. You have to present an enhanced version with the called by combining the having a novel prediction-based adaptive pseudonym change strategy. The performance comparatively studied through extensive tracebased simulations. Simulation results demonstrate which they achieve significantly higher anonymity strength with slightly larger variety of pseudonym.


Published In : IJCAT Journal Volume 1, Issue 7

Date of Publication : 31 August 2014

Pages : 354 - 357

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Publication Link : A Privacy Preservation and Application-Level Performance for Profile Matching in Mobile Social Networks




B. Tejaswini : Post-Graduate Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SITAMS, CHITTOOR, India

A. Srinivasan : Associate Professor, Department of computer Science and Engineering, SITAMS, CHITTOOR, India









Social Networking

Mobile Social Networks

Privacy Preserving

A distinctive comparison-based profile matching condition in Mobile Social Networks (MSNs) continues to be investigated, and novel protocols are proposed in order to resolve it. The explicit Comparison based Profile Matching (eCPM) protocol provides conditional anonymity. It reveals the comparison give you the initiator. For the k-anonymity being a user requirement; the anonymity risk level with regards to the pseudonym change for consecutive eCPM runs is analyzed. Further an enhanced version from the eCPM, i.e., eCPM+ is introduced, by exploiting the prediction-based strategy and adopting the pre-adaptive pseudonym change. The potency of the eCPM+ is validated through extensive simulations using real-trace data. Two protocols with full anonymity, i.e., implicit Comparison-based Profile Matching (iCPM) and implicit Predicate-based Profile Matching (iPPM) continues to be devised. The iCPM handles profile matching with different single comparison of the attribute even though the iPPM is implemented having a logical expression made from multiple comparisons spanning multiple attributes.










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