Digital Library Information System Development at Malikussaleh University with SDLC (System Development Life Cycle)  
  Authors : Dahlan Abdullah


Digital library system and library management system answered the people needs for library services. Library management system contribute to the development of data processing automation membership, circulation and cataloging. Researcher develop a digital library system and library management system then integrate the architecture both of systems. Implementation of web application technologies are needed so the component can be integrated with a digital library system components. The resulting system has the advantage of application utilization borrowing books, membership and cataloging the sharable over the internet, so that the application can be used simultaneously. Catalog information can be submitted between library, without eliminating the digital library function in the joint use of digital resources derived from each librarian uploaded.


Published In : IJCAT Journal Volume 2, Issue 7

Date of Publication : July 2015

Pages : 232 - 239

Figures :11

Tables : --

Publication Link :Digital Library Information System Development at Malikussaleh University with SDLC (System Development Life Cycle)




Dahlan Abdullah : completed a bachelor’s degree in Informatics Engineering major at the Indonesia Islamic University in 1999. In 2014, he completed a master's degree in computer science at STMIK Eresha Jakarta. In 2015 was recorded as the doctoral students of Computer Science, University of North Sumatra, Medan. Actively doing research on Computer Networks, Database, Radio Net, Computer Applications, Robotics, Web Based Application, Management Information Systems and Computer Network Infrastructure.








Digital Library System

Library Management System

Web Application

For designing the Digital Library Information Systems at Library University Malikussaleh use the following steps: Identifying problems, opportunities, and objectives to be achieved. At this stage the author identifies some problems that occur in the books circulation process in the University Malikussaleh library. a. Identifying problems, opportunities, and objectives to be achieved. At this stage the author identifies some problems that occur in the books circulation process in the University Malikussaleh library. b. Analyze system requirements such as decisions, actions, alternative conditions, and recommendations on a plan to resolve the problem. Devices and certain techniques will assist in determining the need. The device used is a flowchart to compile a list of input, process and output. c. Designing SDLC using the information collected at the problem identification and analysis stage to make the design logic of systems and procedures. The author made a design using context diagrams, data flow diagrams and also design the interface for input and output of data with various types Grapichal User Interface (GUI).










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