Post Covid 19 E-Learning Strategy Based on Usability Maturity Model for Higher Learning Institutions, Kenya  
  Authors : Kelvin Omieno


Department of Information Technology and Informatics School of Computing and Information Technology Kaimosi Friends University College Kaimosi, Kenya


Published In : IJCAT Journal Volume 7, Issue 7

Date of Publication : July 2020

Pages : 115-122

Figures :08

Tables :02




Kelvin Kabeti Omieno : holds a PhD in Business Information Systems of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science & Technology (Kenya). He has MSc in Information Technology and Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (First Class Honors) from Masinde Muliro University of. Science and Technology (Kenya). Dr. Omieno is a Senior Lecturer at Kaimosi Friends University College, Kenya and has been involved in a number of research projects of ICTs for Development, Data Analytics, Computational Grid Project, Health Informatics, E-learning systems and E-waste management in Kenya.








e-learning approaches, eLearning Maturity Model (eMM), e-learning strategy, theory, model















The eMM model is a useful tool that provides detailed information on institutional capacity for eLearning delivery; therefore, it is of use to authorities and decision makers. Kenyan universities need to develop better strategy of e- learning beyond covid 19 era. The managers must know and be aware of the variety of ways in which the e-learning manifests itself in the institutions. Assessing e-learning maturity with eMM is an intensive and resource demanding process that benefits from the participation of people from different domains including strategic management, quality assurance, e-learning pedagogy, e-learning support and e-learning technology development Also, student involvement in the process is something to consider carefully in future re-assessments of maturity by higher learning institutions. Even though institutional culture would rather promote different kind of approaches to assessing and developing processes, introducing oneself with eMM can widen perspectives on the field.










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