Recommendations using Linked Taxonomies of Subjective Assessments  
  Authors : Advait Pakhode; Vaishnavi Pakhode; Nagesh Jadhav; Apoorva Chaudhary


Subjective assessments like ‘beautiful’ and ‘breathtaking’ are assigned to items by users and are commonly found in reviews on many online sites. Analyzing the links between these SAs and items can help improve the recommendation accuracy. We propose a different method which links taxonomy of items to a taxonomy of SAs to capture user’s interests in detail.


Published In : IJCAT Journal Volume 1, Issue 9

Date of Publication : 31 October 2014

Pages : 470 - 472

Figures :02

Tables : --

Publication Link : Recommendations using Linked Taxonomies of Subjective Assessments




Advait Pakhode : MIT College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra 411038, India

Vaishnavi Pakhode : MIT College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra 411038, India

Nagesh Jadhav : MIT College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra 411038, India

Apoorva Chaudhary : MIT College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra 411038, India








Recommendation System

Collaborative Filtering

Subjective Assessments

In this study we have explored a novel method that links taxonomy of items to taxonomy of SAs to improve measurement of the similarity of user’s interests. Our method groups the SAs assigned by the users to items in SC and the SAs/SCs reflect the classes in which they are included.










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